Mission Statement
St. Maurice is a Catholic Daycare established and supported by St. Vital Roman Catholic Church. Our daycare is dedicated to creating a safe and nurturing community which promotes healthy learning in an atmosphere permeated by Gospel values.
Called to serve in the Church’s
mission of education,
we, at St. Maurice Daycare…

Recognize, promote and foster the uniqueness
of each child as a gift from God with individual
needs, abilities and talents.
Create within our community a family atmosphere
of faith, love, trust, and freedom in which
each child can grow and develop
as a Child of God.
Foster a strong partnership between
the Church, daycare, home and community,
with children, educators, administrators
and the spiritual director
working cooperatively
to strengthen and nurture the religious,
educational and developmental needs
of our children.

Give us a call:
Fr. Wayne

Father Wayne Morrissey was born and raised in Thunder Bay, Ontario. After
graduating from Lakehead University with a BA degree, he worked for a few years
in the automotive industry in the Toronto area. He was transferred to Winnipeg
by American Motors in 1978 to be their Prairie Zone service parts division
manager and has called Manitoba home ever since. In 1979 he entered St. Paul’s
seminary in Ottawa to discern a call to the priesthood which he had felt for many
years. After ordination to the priesthood in 1885 he served a number of parishes
in the western part of Manitoba. His academic education finally ended in the year
2000 when he completed his Masters Degree in Scripture after graduate level
studies in Canada and Jerusalem. At an age when most people are retired, Father
Wayne was appointed to St. John Brebeuf parish in Winnipeg and then recently to
St. Vital parish which he hopes to retire from at a ripe old age, and many vigorous