Request Child Care
Registration process policy:
St. Maurice Daycare will adhere to the following Priority for Acceptance for all daycare spaces:
Catholic Employees of St. Maurice Daycare, St. Maurice School and St. Vital Parish (in that order)
Employees of St. Maurice Daycare, St. Maurice School and St. Vital Parish of other religious beliefs.
Catholic Parents:
a. registered member of St. Vital Roman Catholic Church
b. who currently have siblings enrolled in our program
c. who have siblings in St. Maurice School
d. who were in our program prior to maternity leave
e. registered member of a Catholic Church other than St. Vital Roman Catholic Church -
Parent of other religious beliefs:
a. who currently have siblings enrolled in our program
b. who have siblings in St. Maurice School
c. whose child was in our program prior to a maternity leave for a next child in the family -
First Come, First Serve
St. Maurice Daycare is inclusive to all children, please register here. We have a priority admission to support the families in our community. Should you fall under categories 1-3d only, please register online as well as contact the daycare director at 204- 475-4045.
You will need to submit the St. Vital Roman Catholic Church - Parishioner Status Form to St. Vital Parish before being added to our internal wait list category 3.a-d. St. Vital Parish will return the form to the daycare and you will be added to the correct wait list.